Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Good for you

Actually, I wanted this to be a chinese entry. However, there's no chinese software here in California. Hahaz... cheers go out to those who don't enjoy reading chinese.

"Good for you". "Too bad".

After observing for a long time. I discover these comments are actually of good intentions. I'm not sure how many people feel the same way as I do, I always see intense sarcasm in these words. I've provided some elaborations below:

"Good for you, [enjoy it while it last]"
"Too bad, [stop whinning and deal with it]"

Maybe it's because I'm too chinese-orientated, or rather, too Taiwan-based. The notorious culture of Taiwan society is to set your own rules, as long as you respect others, they will give you space as well. As such, we grew up developing the habit to think out of the box. We see meanings and hidden intentions behind simple words. Our minds work on an unconventional system.

Taking for example, on the road, I believe none of you can imagine making U-turns through double yellow lines, or over low-lying road blocks. This is a norm in Taiwan. Taiwanians don't see rules, we see the big picture.

Taiwan girls don't ask her bf ,"Can you get me a glass of water, darling?" The girls go ,"Are you thristy?" Then the boys should know what to do.

I believe we assume too much. After going through western education all these years, I've been taught, over a dozen of times, assumption is a sinful communication skill. However, don't you agree it adds colour to our daily lives? If everything is in "yes" and "no", I feel unchallenged.

When I tell my friends ,"I'm having fun in California!" They reply ,"good for you."

... ... ... ... ... ...

I still see tons of sarcasm involved, really. Am I interpreting too much? Please tell me how you see this issue.


Blogger Taiwanese said...

The "American style" of thinking is not dumb at all. It is innocent and cute. Taking WW2 for example, based on several first-hand accoutns, Americans will inform the country they were attacking the exact time, location and duration they would invade. And they always keep their promises. Treating war enemies with such respect and dignity really makes me feel the true root for the strength of this nation. Respect and dignity, something China will find really hard to understand. oops... getting political again.

Anyway, I'm trying to say that I really enjoy simple lives with sparks of creativity. And of course, based on respect for others.

5:33 AM  

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