Saturday, September 02, 2006


Very busy. That's all I can say. Don't wish to bore anyone with my to-do list.

Things will get much better after 18th Sep, I guarantee myself. When all the applications and dusts settle, and life is back to lectures, tutorials and bball, I'll be much better.

Had an orientation lunch recently and met with many of my university senoirs and batch-mates. I find myself unusually talkative. It's like I've switched from a "supportive" personality to an "influential" personality. I owe this to the Taiwan culture. I find that all these years, I couldn't relate myself to English very much, that's way I can't express myself fully. While in Taiwan, when everything is in Chinese, I just kept on talking.

Ever tried dropping Mentos tablets into Diet Coke? That's how I felt. As a result, I made friends very easily. The sense of belonging is actively triggering an unexplored force in me.

Many of my friends are going overseas. They fear the new life they'd have to establish and cultural shock they would definitely encounter. The reverse is happening to me. All these years I've been foreign to everything around me, now I'm home.

However, I really really miss all my friends, whom I've forged heart-felt memories. Can't wait for the next Summer break.


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