Thursday, June 29, 2006

in a lan shop

ok... blogging in a lan shop. Quite a fresh experience. There is always a frist time for everything.

I am really feeling the emotion of saddness kicking into me with this entry. I think it is caused by the fact that I've packed up all my stuffs. The realisation of the fact that I'm leaving Singapore behind is gradually materialising in me.

There are so many things to look forward to. At the same time, there are so many things to leave behind. This is exactly like mountaining climbing -- You have to give up your current safe spot in order to go higher and gain better views. What shall I say? This is life.

Just realised all these mixed emotions have moved me away from the category of "no-life". I am living life again. Thus, I shall be thankful and happy =)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dosha test

Your Dosha is Pitta
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.
With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you
In love: You are picky but passionate
To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

"take cool walks in the moonlight"? I think I've done that before... Quite a few times... covering quite a distance. Hahaz... but I like the descriptions, I hope to be like that =)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A picture speaks more than a thousand words

People have been complaining to me that my blog is too wordy. Ok...I shall attempt to start an entry with pictures.

Once upon a time I bought a watermelon for $2.70. I cut it up with a 10-inch knife and selected the most delicious piece.

I took a bite...

And another...

And another and another...

And I threw the skin away.
Is this a story with happy or sad ending? I can't decide...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Life of a no-life

Gave up translating blogs because it is too time-consuming and stifles inspiration. I shall think in one particular tongue at a time (=

I am back in Singapore for half a month and it has been an errrr…. really no-life experience.

No-life reason one: no Internet most of the time. I bet most of the present people cannot imagine life without Internet. Well, I’ve lived through that. Not so bad actually. You get to rest your eyes and mind quite a bit. Allowing the sense of remoteness sinking into you is a peaceful and comforting process.

No-life reason two: No one to talk to. Considering all my male friends in army and female friends either working or overseas, I am in complete isolation. I have some to live with that through the years, as this is really not the first, or second, time I am in solitude. I’ve found friends in my piano and guitar.

No-life reason three: I don’t eat out. It is the first time I ever resent school holiday. The food court, hawker centre, fast food etc. are FOREVER crowded. And I really mean crowded. The sight of all those youngsters swarming the area really makes me lose all my appetite. So I went to the market and bought a hell lot of vegetables and fruits home. That is when I developed the habit of eating in.

As you can see, I am a living example of a no-lifer. ~sigh~ Everyday I wake up, cook, eat, wash up, evening jog, cook, eat, sleep. This routine is getting mind numbing. Hahaz… need to read some books. All I am living for are the weekends when I can meet my friends.

Ok… another weekend coming up. Hooray!

Sunday, June 11, 2006














Friday, June 09, 2006


甲道:“我们做事应该寻求对自己最有利的条件。只要能达到目的, 不管是投机取巧、欺压他人、蒙骗过关都无所谓,只要是事半功倍、以逸待劳的事就做就对了。因为唯我独尊才是真的。”






























刚说完心电图就不再跳动了,只发出单调的‘哔’声。甲眼神不定的望了躺在病床上的病人一眼, 对在旁边的乙说:“我还有急事在身。”甲匆匆转身走出医院,赶回公司上班,以赚取更多业绩。

乙失望的望着甲,这位拥有罕有的AB- 血型的人的背影,目睹他离开医院。乙叹了口气,为已失血过多而撒手归西的尸体合上白布条。



Thursday, June 08, 2006


Had been hacking into neighbour's internet line these few days. Hahaz...actually I've already cancelled my internet line in Singapore a couple of months ago.

Too bad... the neighbour found out yesterday. I was scolded/reprimended/catigated. They even threaten to call the police.

Ok... so no more internet for me. Unless I hack in again when I'm very sure they're not at home, or they are not using their internet, to be exact.

Remember there's such an advertisment: If your life were made into a movie, what would the viewers think? Although the advertisment is claiming that if you don't join army your movie will be dead boring but I'm quite sure mine wouldn't be, regardless of the fact that I'm not into army yet.

Thus, my theory of life: Nothing is dangerous until it is. As such, your life will be a blockbuster.

ok...enough crap, gotto cut the line.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

a gorge

Imagine there was a gorge, which is a river cutting through a deep valley, and there were two villages on both sides of the bank. Humans are interactive beings so they built a straight wooden beam bridge to link the two banks together. Ever since, they started trading and making friends with the other side of the bank.

However, when the rainy season came, the river would gain velocity and erode the bottom of the banks away, causing the edges of the bands to crumble. The bridge crumbled into the river as well.

Every year after the rainy season, the villagers would build a longer beam bridge to link the banks, which were parting annually. It became a culture and their way of life.

Until a year came when a straight beam bridge is unable to be constructed because the bridge could not withstand its own weight and it snaps from the centre. Humans, being highly intellectual beings, explored the solutions and constructed an arch bridge instead, where the weight of the bridge falls evenly at either side of the bank.

Years passed until arch bridges were inadequate solutions. As the bridge gets bulky, the curvature of the body of bridge had to be increased. It had come to the point where arch bridges were ineffective for the villagers to pass through.

Humans exercised their powerful imaginative ability and constructed a suspension bridge.

One year, a smart person came up with the idea to build sturdy artificial riverbanks. As such, the erosion of river can be ceased and bridge constructions could be abandoned. The idea seemed plausible and people started the strenuous construction. Although it took months, the villagers were overjoyed when it was accomplished. Every rainy season since then, crumbling of the bridge did not trouble the villagers. The skills of bridge construction were slowly forgotten.

Decades passed when the artificial riverbanks finally gave way. The bridge collapsed. The villagers had forgotten how to get to the other side. They were separated, forever.

Knowledge is power. It may not be necessary at times, but it is always essential. Just like mathematics.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Am back in Singapore. Will be back till 1st July.

The trip back from airport was quite horrible. The plane landed at 11:15pm and I know there's always a human jam at that time because 3 planes (from Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong), all Jetstar Asia, will land around the same time. Dunno why Jetstar Asia enjoys such unorthodox arrangement. So I dashed down the terminal from the very last last gate, carrying 30kg of stuffs, to be in front of the queue. I really want to catch the last mrt/bus home.

11:43pm. I made it to the last mrt train, taking me to Tenah Merah only. I brisk walked to bus stop there, crossing my fingers, hoping to catch the last bus.

11:47pm. I literally "caught" the last bus, which was actually driving away. I think the driver took pity on me. Then I discover I have negative amount of credit in my ez-link card. After fishing out my coins, I discover they are all Taiwan coins. Hahaha... so I went around the bus asking for change... for a ten-dollar note! Apparently, Singaporeans don't enjoy carrying coins very much.

12:02am. I was chased down the bus, so I took a taxi home after shaking off the idea to walk home.

Friday, June 02, 2006

joke (translation)

There were 3 friends flying on a plane. One of them held a banana skin, the other a rock and the last a grenade. They decided to compete who could toss the object they were holding out of the window and watch it fall to the ground. However, none succeeded since nothing was visible beyond the thick layer of cloud.

After the place landed, the three friends went for a walk. They saw a little girl crying on the floor and asked why. She replied crying, “a banana fell from the sky and I stepped and slipped over it accidentally. It’s really painful…”

The three friends moved on and found a little boy crying on the floor. They asked why is he crying. He replied crying, “a stone fell from the sky and hit my head, it is really painful…”

The three friends moved on and saw an old lady laughing her head off on the ground. The three friends asked curiously, “what’s so funny?” The old lady replied, hardly catching her breath, “I’m not very sure what happened! All I know is that I farted and my house blew up! Hahaha…”

Thursday, June 01, 2006





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