Saturday, January 13, 2007

Marriage test

This is another interesting test given out by my teacher. I'm not sure why am I in such a blogging spree regarding trivial tests. Hmmmm... must be the side-effect of Campbell. I've mugged 6 chapters for 18 hours straight. That's 3 hours per chapter on average. Ok... the marriage test:

Question: Imagine you're a taxi driver. The sign at the top of your car reads "vacant" in yellow colour. When a passenger gets in your car, the sign will change to "occupied". What colour will that "occupied" be?

A. white
B. orange
C. red
D. green

Pick the colour which comes to your mind.

[ok...some random pictures again. Below is taken during my band concert.]

[above is my chinese teacher. These tests are provided by her.]

Elaboration of test:
A. white
White is a very outstanding colour. You want your marriage to be the best, making people around you jealous or admire your happy marriage. You will work hard to make such wonderful marriage happen, however, your husband/wife may become pressurised by your prefectionism.

B. orange
Orange is the colour closest to yellow. You want your post-marriage life to be the same as pre-marriage life. You desire a strong sense of security. Marriage will not change you, however, your conservative nature may lead to a still marriage.

C. red
Red is to signal STOP. You become lethargic and lazy after marriage. You find marriage to be so comfortable that you go to a state of complete rest. Marriage will give you a strong sense of belonging, however, do put in some efforts sometimes.

D. green
Green is the most gentle colour. You'll be extra nice to your husband/wife after marriage. You treasure your life-partner to the fullest extent. However, being too nice may lead to a boring marriage. Inducing surprises at appropriate times are important as well.

Ok... going to drink Campbell soup again.

How do you choose your partner?

Recently, my teacher gave my class the test below regarding how you'd choose your soulmate. I find it very true. Shall share it with all of you =)

Question: When you go on a countryside vocation, what would you look for?

1. Calm snow
2. Breath-taking mountains
3. Smooth rivers
4. Steady trains
5. Beautiful flowers

Arrange your preferance from favourite to least favourite.
[I included some random pictures of my school compound below for fun =)]

[Cheerleading group shot!]

Elaboration of test:

1.Calm snow:

Snow is a cool, meaningless subject which draws out your inner thoughts and emotions. Thus, you look at the inner beauty of your potential partners.

2.Breath-taking mountains

Mountains have defined curvatures and pronounced outlines. Thus, you take note of your potential partners' bodies.

3.Smooth rivers

Water is a source of intuition. It flows from somewhere to somewhere but it does not tell you its origin and destination. Thus, you believe in fate. You believe there's love-at-first-sight.

4.Steady train

You take into consideration your partners' sex ability. (I don't think further elaboration is required.)

5.Beautiful flowers

Flowers are stunningly pretty in a straight-forward, fragile manner. Thus, you emphasize on external beauties.

So true...

Friday, January 12, 2007


I'm in the midst of end-of-term now. Blogging to unwind. After deliberating reports and exams on two sides of a balance, I've concluded the latter is much more enjoyable. Mugging feels good in its own way =)

I discovered that Taiwan students do eleventh hour mugging as well, maybe more than Singapore students do. Remembering the incredible dispropotional jump in grades RJC gets to experiences whenever A level is nearing (referred to as A-level miracle), I see the parallel in Taiwan's education system. Looks like globalisation has got the better of everything we know. Everywhere is the same now.

My roommates are DOTA-ing now, which adds to the point of globalisation. The boarding school is like a mega lan shop. Can you imagine that? However, we have Chinese DOTA here! Haha...quite funny. It's no longer "Sentinel and Scourge" but "楚國and魏國". There are added environmental issues as well, besides day and night. There're foggy times where you can't see far and rainy days when you can't move fast. Most interesting of all, there's a "food rationing centre", you destroy that and the creeps(in this case, army) will starve, weakening their attack forces greatly. However, I still prefer the original DOTA, straight-forward and simple. But I haven't touched it for half a year =(

Posted pictures of cheerleading competition which was held quite some time ago (25th Nov 2006). We came in a remarkable 5th! Still searching for the video to post on youtube. You'll be able to see some resemblence from certain RJC batch dance =) Will update about it soon.

Meanwhile, back to the book! "Para-para!"
"Square formation"
"half-a-V" (it's alright if you don't get it =P)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007





我很小的時候就認識到只要靠著一顆同理心,就可以很有成效地解除病人的痛苦.不過我卻是經過較為另類的途徑認知到這個道理的。我是從我家對面的密醫看到此現象,那家密醫掛著 「鑽牙補齒」的招牌,為病人看牙齒,有些病人捧著臃腫的半邊臉頰走進診所,然後捧著同樣的臉頰走出去,下次竟然捧著兩邊腫的臉走進診所,出來時臉部還綁了濕濕的冰敷,這種情形可以連續好幾個月。我對那密醫的醫術當然不敢恭維,但這不是重點,重點是:病人每次痛苦的神情,在進出診所之後就有一百八十度大轉變的氣色,儘管病情毫無進展或成效不彰,病人就是很信任這位密醫,毫無怨言地複診。我就是如此深刻地見識到了醫病關係的重要性,病人走進診所裏尋找的有時候真的不是一位能對症下藥的名醫,而是一位能抒發情感的朋友。不過,那時縱然只有五歲的我,當然也清楚地瞭解如此的行醫方法有很大的瑕疵與缺陷.

治病是治標,治病人是治本.(to cure some, to relieve often, to comfort always)心靈的安撫,才是真才實學的行醫途徑,能對病人受苦產生敏感性,就可以得到病人的信任,行醫的路程,早已經成功了一大半,對症下藥,只不過是完成醫療手續最重要的最後一環、臨門一腳,達到畫龍點睛的效果。然而,經由我個人的觀察,臺灣的醫療體系,已經在全民健保下慘遭變質。

我在醫師作家,侯文詠的小說中看到一則 “笑話",很令人不可置信的是一個臺灣醫界中的現象:有一對老夫老婦天天來醫院看病.從耳鼻喉科看到眼科看到皮膚科看到骨科看到小兒科...看到醫院每位工作人員都認識他們了。有一天老公公沒來,侯醫師於是好奇地上前問阿嬤:「[台語]今天妳盎那ㄟ沒來?」老婆婆無奈的答道:「[台語]伊生病所以在家休息。」
我覺得教導大眾如何當病人這個擔子也該理所當然地落到醫師們的肩上,因為我們讀的書畢竟比一般人多,這是醫師們最大的優點,也是最大的弱點。(An attitude of intellectual pride is a common weakness in doctors. ~ Dr. David Landsborough IV)灌輸臺灣大眾正確的醫病觀念將是當醫生的一大挑戰,這算是我這學期上完人醫講座後最大的感觸。病人從醫生應得的全面照顧,是在病人懂得愛護以及尊重自己的前提下,才有效。倘若醫師一味在診所中進修,提高自己的醫療水準,等著各式各樣的病人接踵而來,待以實施自己閉門造車的全面照顧病人方法,效果其實很差.碰到水準若低劣的病人,儘管有再好的醫師,醫病效果也化為零.醫師應該踏出診療所,開導民眾,有效的提高社會整體醫療水平.
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